Thank you for breaking this down in such a concise way with historical background as well

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Kudos to Johnson for sticking his neck out and going the route of separate bills, like they used to do when elected officials cared about the country and not about special interests. As I understand it though, these individual bills will be combined into one for the Senate to vote on so it's a bittersweet achievement at best.

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It appears that this ship is turning. And not a moment too soon.

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I believe the House GOP voted against Ukraine aid, because Trump opposes it.

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The GOP wanted to use Ukraine aid as a bargaining chip for securing the border. When Trump declared his opposition to any border bill, a few GOP members were able to use the precarious position of the Speaker to prevent the aid bill from coming to a vote.

The GOP has become very accustomed to holding popular or necessary legislation hostage in order to get what they want. Usually, they hold the full faith and credit of the United States hostage, but this time they held hostage the future of Ukraine.

The only solution to GOP legislative hostage-taking is to reduce the GOP to a national minority party.

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Johnson put on a reasonable demeanor & a responsible tone.

It really felt good watching a politician do the job.

What would be admirable is if he brought in the Senate border & immigration bill.

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