Despite the ickiness of "white guy writing a book about if slavery was still a thing", I find Ben H. White's "Underground Airlines" an interesting look at an alternate universe where the Civil War didn't happen and the Crittenden Compromise ruled the day. The idea that the Confederacy was just a group of gentlemen who resented federal rule is perhaps the most toxic part of our internalized history.

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Underground Airlines was an interesting alternative history! I may need to read it again!

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The possibility of national divorce is getting more real. What would it look like? Map tool: https://divorcethenation.com/

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Thanks, as always. Appreciate your analysis and the links. The thing that sticks in my mind about Haley's comments was the swirling pivot she took while formulating her (weak) response. I just wonder what calculations she tried to make during that swirl. She is not an ignorant person, but she panicked a bit?

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