Exactly why my new written, heard, or watched is now almost solely my local NPR station, PBS, or independent news.

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There is a lack of actual news reporting and an overflow of opinions. Even the good Substack writers excel at opinionated, long-winded stories. Anything called news should stick to the where, when, and how, without getting too deep into the why beyond the directly obvious. In other words, cut down the crap, stick to the facts. Please.

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Critical thinking is hard when you aren’t presented with a comprehensive set of facts and don’t have the patience to consider alternative explanations for said facts & their potential contradictions.

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Absolutely - which is why I source my primary World and US news from the BBC and DW Germany English service and only use NPR/PBS as background ‘noise’. No US based news organization can be trusted to not dumb down and act like ‘talking heads’….

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You continually to refuse to acknowledge that a vast amount of what is represented as news to the public is actually misinformation and propaganda funded or directed by wealthy owners and contributors and it completely alters the treatment of critical issues in our society. Until you acknowledge this, you have no credibility.

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Unfortunately, actual journalism costs money. MSM news organizations don't like to spend money on content that might upset those in power. NPR, in covering recent cabinet nominees, limited reporting to overviews of past nomination controversies while glossing over the current unprecedented shit show.

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