“… correcting a misstatement, explaining what something means, or noting what was left out …”: how true, and how critically important to do ALL these things properly! Often, it feels like the journalistic conversations center on statements that are factually false, when indeed the job of putting context around statements needs to aid a -frequently overwhelmed- audience in deciding what weight to assign to statements that might be factually correct, yet are masking the real issues, or simply be misleading. You often excel at providing such context, even on the fly, and that dramatically lifts the value of listening to NPR.

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As was brought out on the PBS NewsHour tonight, he does not play by the rules.

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How would you, or anyone, get a word in when interviewing DJT? He never shuts up! He does not converse or listen. He is the definition of gaslighting!

I tried to watch the CNN town hall, out of civic duty, but it was too disturbing to me.

I might like to see him in a courtroom, when a gavel mandates quiet!

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And I was correct. They simply gave Trump the floor and never challenged him in the slightest. Disgraceful. CNN has now degenerated to sensationalism and yellow journalism. They lost all remaining credibility tonight.

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But will anyone there truly have the spine to call him out on his lies and distortions? I think it unlikely.

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