To me, the thing is simple.

Politics is as corrupt and filled with dark, dirty money as any other institution, perhaps more so, but America will end up with either President Trump or President Biden in November, the lesser players notwithstanding. Voters might absolutely detest the others in their coalition, but one of the two very different men will prevail.

Choose wisely, American voters, even if you must hold your nose whilst doing so.

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I think it is not interesting, I think it is frightful. I continue to fail to understand how people can say that they wouldn't vote for Biden, while they also completely understand THAT Trump is not just a horrible person but a tremendously horrible candidate. The mind boggles. And while the Israel/Palestinian situation is truly horrific, how much of it, like the border, or student loans, or... air safety (to cite 3 things I've seen people mention in polls that they think Biden cms control) do the Dems really have the ability to affect with a divided congress? I think, unfortunately, the Democratic messaging has been absolutely terrible about not just all of the successes of the Biden Admin, but also of all of the disastrous parts of Trump's "reign." They've got 6 months (or less, as you pointed out, Steve) to blanket social media, billboards, TV, Radio, EVERYWHERE with that two-pronged message. Failure to do that will get Trump back in the White House, and another 4 years (at least) of horrible, terrible, no good, very bad things.

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With respect, only a straight white make has the privilege to call this election “interesting.” My women, Black, Latino and LGBT friends are dismayed and terrified, myself included. There is far more at stake than a typical presidential election. This is not MLB or a university lecture or a documentary. It is real life.

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Micheline, thank you. It’s always a pleasure to see you here and your comments are always welcome. I have interviewed voters of many backgrounds, and listened to many people besides, and believe I am right that many people have not fully tuned in to this election and, if they have, do not see it as you do. As for the meaning or connotation of the word “interesting,” I would respectfully call your attention to the way it is used in the old proverb about living in interesting times.

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Thanks for this thoughtful answer, Steve. I’m well aware of the proverb. And as a journalist, I do my best to separate my personal feelings from covering a story. However, I’ve had numerous private conversations in which people have shared their fears about the election with me. It’s true “most people” aren’t paying much attention because most people in America are not committed voters. Pew says only 37% of those it surveyed voted in the last three presidential and off year elections. And 30% did not vote at all in any of them. But the people who are engaged and who care are deeply concerned, especially those I previously mentioned.

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This is going to be an interesting election. I only wish the news reporters would stop covering the loud and extreme politicians and others and only cover those that have something intelligent to say.

If the extreme individuals aren’t on the news every day they might think…..before they speak.

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Thank you for the wake up call to us all

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To quote the ever-prescient Simpsons, "Don't blame me I voted for Kodos!"

US elections have become polluted with bad choices thanks to the SCOTUS Citizen's United decision. Until we reverse that decision and put an end to Corporate Plutocracy, we'll never have great political choices or good governance.

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I think the abysmal candidate choices we've had since I started voting in 1980 has very little to do with Citizens United and a lot more to do with the two parties refusal to let go of power.

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Can't it be both depressing and interesting? I think most people would agree that this is a high stakes, and therefore interesting, election. But my sense of political efficacy is basically 0, especially living in a non swing state. That's the main thing that depresses me at least.

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